prepare timeline of various events,in history,of Abbasid Dynasty.[750-1258]
Following is the timeline about the time during with the Abbasid Dynasty ruled,
-The Golden Age of Islam: 750-1258 CE
This is the total time period during which the Abbasid Dynasty ruled.
Period 1:
762 CE: Founded city of Kufa and later made Baghdad their capital city during their rule.
790 CE: This is the time during which the Abbasids ruled and made much progress in the field of medicine, math, science, etc.
Libraries got established.
Islamic art and architecture was becoming quite famous.
Period 2:
1258 CE: In this time period the Abbasids were residing in Cairo, Egypt.
Mongols entered and conquered China after which they made their way to the West. They led to the Abbasids running away from Egypt.
They sacked Baghdad and drove out the Abbasids.
They ended Islamic Caliphate after the two weeks of siege which they used as a tactic.