English, asked by fouziyamashraf, 3 days ago

preparea speech on the hazards associated with the usage of plastic bags​


Answered by bijoy3903


Waste from plastic bags poses serious environmental danger to human and animal health. If plastic bags are not properly disposed of, they can impact the environment by causing littering and stormwater drain blockages. Animals may also get tangled and drown in plastic bags.Plastic bags tend to disrupt the environment in a serious way. They get into soil and slowly release toxic chemicals. They eventually break down into the soil, with the unfortunate result being that animals eat them and often choke and die.Animals can also easily become entangled in this plastic. are harmful to human health. Plastic fragments in the ocean such as those from plastic bags can absorb pollutants which are known to be hormone-disrupting chemicals.


please mark it as brainliest

Answered by mahi9010


give your introduction first about who you are what is your topic your class etc


here are some point for reference

for para 1:

• nowadays plastics are the daily usage materials.

• everything made today are usually of plastic.

• for the morning brush to night brush we use plastic materials for every single use.

• even after knowing its harmful for us,we keep on increasing its usage.

for para 2:

on our every day chores we use objects like bags, boxes, food packing etc. made of plastic.

• on an alarming rate the usage has to be reduced to save ourselves and our environment before it's too late.(explain it further)


• throwing plastic bags on road causes land pollution. Even some cattles eat those bags as it contains food for them,which ultimately end up their life.

• throwing plastic in drains, choke the drains causing huge amount of drainage waste to come out and cause diseases. Burning plastic can badly harm the air and if the fume goes inside our lungs, it causes cancer.

for para 3:

•govt. is constantly trying to aware people about the harms of plastic.

• even on an individual basis, we could save our environment by saying no to plastic, reducing its usage and reusing it.

•also throwing plastic in different bin and rest waste in another bin can help to save environment and the cattles as well.

conclude by saying thank you.

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