Preposition Revision
Fill in the blanks with adjective-preposition combinations with the help of
the clues.
CHC gases are Desponsible for the depletion of the ozone layez (reponsibility)
I am not Z ozrac. St cockroaches or lizards. (afraid)
. My mother is not -
- watching television (interest)
Vegetables are very cord so you. (good)
Alexander Fleming is famous - discovering penicillin. (fame)
This event management company is
- planning birthday parties.
Mohit is nec abast his son's future. (worry)
Leela is very and eyes som2 Laila for her total lack of responsibility. (annoy)
This pen is very similor to the one I was looking for. (similar)
Reena is esatec-36 her trip to Kerala next month. (excite)
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
Answered by
afraid of
interested in
good for
fame for
good for
worried for
annoyed for
similar to
escited for
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