Presentation and organisation about the role of women in development in mafikeng
Ways to empower women:
providing education
self employment and self help groups
providing minimum needs like nutrition, sanitation,health and housing.
The society should change mentality towards the women
To encourage the women in the respective development fields.
Women should play an active role in all the sectors and all the levels of the Program of Action conducted by the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women. Policies on industrialization, food and agriculture, science and technology and social development should all involve women also.
OECD Development Center surveyed a broad sample of development projects aimed at women. It said that future projects should avoid the home economics approach and focus on income-generating activities which are relevant and useful to the women participating". It also noted that the there is a lack of information about women's roles and activities.
The starting point for the framework is that it makes economic sense for development aid projects to allocate resources to women as well as men.