Presentation on parts of flower and their function
PISTIL The ovule producing part of a flower. The ovary often supports a long style, topped by a stigma. ... Petal, Receptacle & Sepal Receptacle: The part of a flower stalk where the parts of the flower are attached. Sepal: The outer parts of the flower (often green and leaf-like) that enclose a developing bud.
Sepals are the exterior parts of a flower that protect the interior flower while it emerges. Sepals are typically green and leaf-like, as they are in fact modified leaves, but it is possible for them to be almost any color depending on the type of plant. The sepal is the first part of the flower to grow, forming at the uppermost end of a stem. The sepal creates a bud around the emerging flower, and its key responsibilities are to protect the flower as it grows and prevent it from drying out. Not all flowers have sepals, and in some cases, the sepals are modified into bracts that surround the flower. They are often brightly colored, and in many cases, the bract draws more attention than the flower itself.
Petals exist to draw pollinators to the flower. It is for this reason that they are often brightly colored, showy, and of interesting patterns and sizes. The petals together form what is known as the corolla of the plant. Petals are probably the part of the flower that has most variation from plant to plant. Not only do they differ in color, size, and shape, but some petals form in several layers to create very full-looking flowers, while others appear to not have separate petals, but instead are one solid petal.
The stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower. Each stamen contains two main parts. The filament is the long cylindrical tendril part of the stamen, while the anther is a sac that sits at the top of the filament. The function of the filament is simply to hold up the anther, extending it up to an accessible part of the flower for pollinators reach, or for the wind to disperse the pollen.
The anther is where the pollen is produced, and each anther contains many grains of pollen that each have the male reproductive cells present in them. Each flower can have just a few stamens, or hundreds of them. The function of the stamen is to produce pollen and make it available for pollinators to allow reproduction. When a pollinator, such as a bee or a bird, touches the anther the pollen will stick to them, and then get transported to other flowers they visit. This is where the carpel comes in (Oregon State University Extension).
The carpel, which is also sometimes called the pistil, is the female reproductive organ of a flower. Each carpel is usually bowling pin-shaped, and features a sac at its base in the center of a flower, and this sac is the ovary that produces and contains developing seeds, or ovules. Moving upward, the ovary extends to support a style, that is a tube-like structure leading up to the stigma at the very top.
The stigma features a flat surface with a sticky texture, that is ideal for capturing pollen that has been transported to the stigma of the flower by wind or pollinating insects and birds. Upon arriving on the stigma, pollen will germinate to produce a pollen tube down the style. When it reaches the ovary sac, the pollen tube fertilizes the ovules. At this point, pollination is complete.
A fertilized ovary swells to protect the developing seeds and transforms the flower into a fruit. Inside the fruit, a fertilized ovule becomes a seed, from that the plant can be sown and an entirely new plant created (University of Illinois Extension).
Other Parts of a Flower
The corolla presents differently in different types of flowers, but it always makes up the inner perianth that immediately surrounds the reproductive part of the plant. Typically, the corolla is made up of a circle of distinct petals, but it can also be formed from one solid petal in the case of petunia. It may also be lobed or layered in the case of some roses, which can be referred to as double or even triple blooms with many layers of petals.
The corolla attracts pollinators to the plant with its vivid coloring and interesting scents, except for in the case of flowers that are pollinated by the wind. Wind-pollinated flowers have not needed to evolve to attract birds or insects for the survival of the species and, therefore, their corollas are often plain or dull.
The filament is the thin tubular part of the stamen that extends and supports the pollen sac at the top.
The ovary produces and contains unfertilized seeds. It sits centrally inside the flower at the base of the carpel. Once fertilized, it is the ovary that develops into the fruit of the plant.
Ovules are contained within the ovary, and in the event of successful pollination, they will become the seed of the fruit.
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