English, asked by putmynamehere1pa05qg, 1 year ago

Presentation on "Towards the green world" in hindi or english


Answered by Anonymous


★ ऊर्जा बचाओ

• अपने थर्मोस्टेट को सर्दियों में कुछ डिग्री कम और गर्मियों में कुछ डिग्री अधिक ताप और शीतलन लागत पर बचाने के लिए सेट करें।

• जब आपके पुराने तापदीप्त बल्ब बाहर जलते हैं तो कॉम्पैक्ट फ्लोरोसेंट लाइट बल्ब (सीएफएल) स्थापित करें।

★ पानी बचाएं

• पानी के उपयोग को कम करने के लिए कम वर्षा करें। इससे आपके पानी और हीटिंग के बिल भी कम होंगे।

• लो-फ्लो शॉवरहेड स्थापित करें। वे ज्यादा खर्च नहीं करते हैं, और पानी और ऊर्जा की बचत जल्दी से आपके निवेश का भुगतान कर सकती है।

★ अपनी सफाई की आपूर्ति स्वयं करें।

• जब भी आपको उनकी आवश्यकता हो, आप बहुत प्रभावी, गैर विषैले सफाई उत्पाद बना सकते हैं। आपको बस कुछ सरल सामग्री जैसे बेकिंग सोडा, सिरका, नींबू और साबुन चाहिए।

• अपने स्वयं के सफाई उत्पादों को बनाने से पैसे, समय और पैकेजिंग की बचत होती है-अपने इनडोर वायु गुणवत्ता का उल्लेख करने के लिए नहीं।

Answered by Anonymous


Only a decade has passed since 21st century began, but our world has already suffered a full gamut of extreme weather conditions, including severe droughts, floods, cyclones, and heat waves. Therefore, environmental protection has become an urgent imperative that must be translated into action for the continued survival of humanity. Environmental protection is more than just recycling. It is a mindset that promotes high-quality green living as well.

With the concern above, In collaboration with Jabatan Belia dan Sukan Negeri Perak and Majlis Belia Negeri Perak, Seven Major Chinese Youth Organization in PERAK as Persatuan Belia Xiang Lian Malaysia, Persatuan Belia Kristian Malaysia, Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia, Junior Chamber International Ipoh (Malaysia), Persatuan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia, Young Malaysians Movement,Gandingan Bersatu Malaysia and The Green World (TGW) non-profit organizations are going to organize The Green World Run 2016 in Ipoh Perak.

The purpose to organize this ecofriendly event is to create a greater awareness of the environmental issues happening today among the community and creating a brighter future for the next generation. It is also one of the event’s objectives to promote and create a greater awareness of the vision of a cleaner, greener and modernized Ipoh (Ipoh Bersih, Hijau Dan Maju).

The 1st edition of The Green World Run has held successfully on 29th November 2015 at Putrajaya, Malaysia. After a success previous experience, we hope to bring this meaningful event to Perak State. The Green World Run is a 10km walk and it is suitable for those who enjoy healthy walks and are passionate about the environment.

We create this fun and exciting event to highlight the importance of recycling in daily life of each individual. We believe that having a good and healthy living environment is the key to promoting strong economy, prosperous families and individual health.

These are the objectives of THE GREEN WORLD RUN 2016 are outlined below:

• To raise the awareness of environmental problems among the public.

• To educate the young generation about the importance of environment and environment protection through the activity.

• To promote the importance of living in healthy natural environment.

• To encourage healthy lifestyle through running event.

• To spread “green” messages through various media to reach large group of public.

• To develop a clean eco-tourism in Ipoh City.

• To boost tourism to Ipoh City by attracting international and elite runners.

Target Audience

Environmental conservation is a worldwide concern and the responsibility of every global citizen. The Green World Run 2016 has a number of target audiences including the general public, students and environmentally aware or “green” individuals.

Schools are the major focus in this event because we encourage students to initiate green activities since they are young. We are also welcome the people all around the world to join this meaningful event.

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