Environmental Sciences, asked by varaasharma, 1 year ago

prevention and mitigation of earthquakes


Answered by Abhi12345678911234
Pre disaster measures
 Re-framing buildings codes, guidelines, manuals and byelaws and their strict
implementation. Tougher legislation for highly seismic areas.
 Incorporating earthquake resistant features in all buildings at high-risk areas.
 Making all public utilities like water supply systems, communication
networks, electricity lines etc. earthquake-proof. Creating alternative
arrangements to reduce damages to infrastructure facilities.
 Constructing earthquake-resistant community buildings and buildings (used
to gather large groups during or after an earthquake) like schools,
dharamshalas, hospitals, prayer halls, etc., especially in seismic zones of
moderate to higher intensities.
 Supporting R&D in various aspects of disaster mitigation, preparedness and
prevention and post-disaster management.
 Evolving educational curricula in architecture and engineering institutions
and technical training in polytechnics and schools to include disaster related
Medium term measures
 Retrofitting of weak structures in highly seismic zones.
 Preparation of disaster related literature in local languages with dos and
don'ts for construction.
 Getting communities involved in the process of disaster mitigation through
education and awareness.
 Networking of local NGOs working in the area of disaster management.

Post-Disaster Preventive Measures2
 Maintenance of law and order, prevention of trespassing, looting etc.
 Evacuation of people.
 Recovery of dead bodies and their disposal.
 Medical care for the injured.
 Supply of food and drinking water.
 Temporary shelters like tents, metal sheds etc.
 Repairing lines of communication and information.

varaasharma: I just need the measures that can be taken to mitigate the earthquake as they CAN NOT BE PREVENTED. I need them in points as I am doing it for a project. Thank you for the effort and help.
Abhi12345678911234: check the answer again.. i have added some pre and post measures
varaasharma: I think I got my answer from this. Thanks :)
Abhi12345678911234: no wait i can give you a link where you can get all the measures in points
Abhi12345678911234: https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://nidm.gov.in/easindia2014/err/pdf/earthquake/Prev_mitigation_measures.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwisz96u7s7UAhUDRY8KHdwuCfsQFggiMAA&usg=AFQjCNEOSmgtsFdPwCrMZoK_PC8JF_e-Kw
Abhi12345678911234: if it helped you pls mark it as brainliest!
varaasharma: I didn't really need it in such details. All was needed was points for a 9 grader.
Answered by Anonymous

Earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural disaster. To prevent the huge destruction caused by earthquakes we have to take certain steps.

1)we have to design and manufacture all highrise buildings in an earthquake proof way

2)we have to avoid dense population gathering in the maximum earthquake possible points and places

3)after earthquake we have to immediately organise rescue teams to rescue the victims and to provide them needed medicines and food items.

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