Prevention is better than cure. It as recognized that the only way to get rid of malaria completely is to
get rid of the mosquitoes, which cause it. Malaria is always associated with damp and marshy land.
This is not because the land as damp; but because the standing water is the breeding place of the
mosquito, which begins its life as larvae living in the water, Malaria does not frequently occur in dry
desert countries because mosquitoes cannot breed there. The only way to destroy mosquitoes is to
prevent their breeding in standing water. This can be done by draining all ponds and pools, and by
keeping them covered in the breeding season with a film of kerosene oil, which kills the larvae by
depriving them of air.
(1) How can malaria be prevented?
(2) In what place does the malaria causing moaquitoes breed?
(3) Give the adjective forms of : season, prevent.
(4) Give a suitable title
1. Malaria does not frequently occur in dry desert countries because mosquitoes cannot breed there. The only way to destroy mosquitoes is to prevent their breeding in standing water.
2 The only way to destroy mosquitoes is to prevent their breeding in standing water. This can be done by draining all ponds and pools, and by keeping them covered in the breeding season with a film of kerosene oil, which kills the larvae by depriving them of air.
3. Seasoned,
4. Dangerous Malaria
this is your answer
1)Malaria is a serious, and at times even life-threatening tropical disease that is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is usually prevalent in tropical countries (sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Middle East) which have a warmer climate, hot enough for the parasites to thrive. Malaria in India is a common vector-borne disease.
2)Malaria can be fatal, particularly malaria caused by the variety of parasite that's common in tropical parts of Africa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 91 percent of all malaria deaths occur in Africa — most commonly in children under the age of
3)sorry this one not know
4) malaria a diseasse