Principles of guidance and counselling in education
Guidance is all round assistance to individual in all aspect of his or her development. It makes use of the science of psychology to determine the attitude, interest , intelligence, personality and the discipline of the education for providing right and suitable assistance. It has the characteristic of
It is a process of helping or assisting an individual to solve their problems. It help them to identify where to go, what to do and how to do for post accomplishment of their goals.
It is a continuous process which start right from childhood , adolescence and continues over in old age.
It is assistance to the individual in the process of development rather than direction of that development.
It is a service meant for all: its regular service which is required for every student, not only for abnormal students.
Guidance is an organized service not in incidental activity of the school.
Guidance is more an art than science.
Guidance is centered around the needs and aspiration of students.