Print this pattern from python
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Required python programme::
for row in range (7): # run from 0 to 6
for col in range (5): # run from 0 to 4
if (col==0 or col==4) or (row==3):
print ("* ",end="")
print (end=" ")
This question can be solved by using if else statement inside nested loop.
>> Firstly print vertical lines of the pattern.
(col==0 or col==4) will print stars in column number 0 and 4. (Remember counting starts from 0 in most of the programming languages).
>> Now print horizontal lines of pattern.
(row==3) will print stars in whole row number 3.
end="" will print the stars in same row.
The end=" " in the body of else statement will print spaces where stars are not allowed to be printed.
>> This will give you the following output:
* *
* *
* *
* * * * *
* *
* *
* *