Privacy is a myth just like Democracy', write an essay.
'Privacy is myth Just like Democracy'
When services are free, then customers are product. You might be facing a day-to-day shock when you find a product you were searching on your Facebook feed, the places and people you connected being a part of your recommendations. The big umbrella of Internet know a lot more about you than you realize.
We want to access every service for free, but we deny accepting the fact that big giants like Google and Facebook use their customers as a product , as a source of their big database which is now their private property.
Now coming to Politics - ‘a game of mind that plays with the mind.’ And what’s the best way to play with the minds of voters in an election- their not so 'valuable' information.The one writing in favor of party A on social media should be bombarded with the hate comments on party A and vice-versa.