problem A-18 Find all points (ary) where the
functions fo), gea), h(x) have the same value.
fox) = 2 +3 g(x) = 2x-5, h(c) 2 2 + 10
Suppose for contradiction that gx1 = gx2. Since G is a group, g
−1 ∈ G. So this
means that g
(gx1) = g
(gx2). By associativity, this means that (g
g)x1 =
g)x2. This simplifies to ex1 = ex2, where e is the identity. Finally, by the
property of the identity, we get that x1 = x2. But this contradicts the assumption
that x1 6= x2. So we have shown that if x1 6= x2 then gx1 6= gx1. Thus all the
elements of the form gx are distinct.
Similarly, we have to show that if x1 6= x2 ∈ G then x1g 6= x2g. Again, suppose
not. That is, suppose that x1g = x2g. But then when we multiply both sides by
−1 on the right, and use the same group properties as above, we get that x1 = x1.
Again, this is a contradiction, so we must have that all elements of the form xg are
Next we have to show that the sets S = {gx|x ∈ G} and S
0 = {xg|x ∈ G} fill
out G. That is, for each element h ∈ G, we need to find elements x, x0 ∈ G s.t.
xg = gx0 = h. So let x = hg−1 and let x
0 = g
−1h. We know that x, x0 are in G
since g
−1 ∈ G by the inverse property, and the products are in G as G is closed
under multiplication.
Now we just compute:
xg = (hg−1
= h(g
= he
= h,
and similarly we can compute that gx0 = g(g
−1h) is just h after using all three of
the group properties.
So for each element h ∈ G, we have found x, x0
s.t. xg = gx0 = h. Therefore the
sets S and S
0 fill out G.