Computer Science, asked by nikhita13, 11 days ago

Problem Statement
You are given a string of lower case English letters of length N. You need to convert this
string into a "Krazy string".A Krazy string is a string having at least one character that is
present times or more
To do so, you can perfon some moves on it. In one move, you can select one
character at any position and change it to any other lower case English character. The
cost of such a move the absolute difference between the ASCIl value of the new
character and the old character.

Find the minimum cost to change the string into a krazy String.

Input Format
The first line contains an integer N denoting the length of the string.
The next line contains a string, str, denoting the initial string.
The next line contains an Integer, K, denoting the number of characters to be the same.​


Answered by dipakvrma79


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