process 780 units @ 73.27.600
from Abnormal Effectiveness Account 300
"विधि। का कुल उत्पादन 2,500 इकाइयां है। ऐसा निर्धारित किया गया कि 200 इकाइयों की असाधारण हानि है। स्वीकृत सामान्य
हानि 10 प्रतिशत थी। अन्य सूचनाए निम्नानुसार है-(1) सामग्री 5₹ प्रति इकाई की दर से, (2) श्रम 4,000₹, 3) उपरिव्यय
3.350₹ तथ (4) क्षय से वसूली 2₹ 50 पैसे प्रति इकाई।
allowed was 10%. The other informations are— (1) Materials @ 75 per unit, (2) Labour 4.000, (3) Overheads
आपविधि खाता तथा असाधारण हानि खाता तैयार कीजिए।
The output from peocess I totalled 2.500 units. It was considered that 200 units were an abnormal loss. Normal loss
3.350 and (4) Wastage realised * 2.50 per unit. You are required to prepare process account and abnormal loss
Ans. Abnormal Loss 200 units of * 1,600; Output transferred to next process 2,500 units @ 78 per unit.
-निर्माणी व्यवसाय में, 'अ'प्रक्रिया का उत्पाद 'ब' प्रक्रिया को हस्तान्तरित किया जाता है। अन्य
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प्रति इकाई।
allowed was 10%. The other informations are— (1) Materials @ 75 per unit, (2) Labour 4.000, (3) Overheads
आपविधि खाता तथा असाधारण हानि खाता तैयार कीजिए।
The output from peocess I totalled 2.500 units. It was considered that 200 units were an abnormal loss. Normal loss
3.350 and (4) Wastage realised * 2.50 per unit. You are required to prepare process account and abnormal loss
Ans. Abnormal Loss 200 units of * 1,600; Output transferred
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wahhh bete wahh moJ krdiii... Heavy Driver
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