Social Sciences, asked by Diashekhar3884, 1 year ago

Production in these widely dispersed locations get interlinked. Explain


Answered by PoojaBurra

There are different ways in which MNCs are spreading their production and conversating with local producers in different countries across the universe.

Partnership with local companies for supplies by intimately competing with the local companies or purchasing them.

MNCs are giving a strong influence on output at distant locations.

So, production in these widely spreaded locations is getting interlinked among themselves.

Answered by Arslankincsem

To establish a multinational company, you need to check few criteria such as you should choose a place to build your warehouse near the market area, you must recruit labors at less cost and you should check the availability of raw materials that are needed for your production.

In this case, you can interconnect different locations through online platforms, shipping process and cargo systems.

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