Prog. 7
int year
Define a class named Movie Magic with the following description:
Instance variables/data members:
: to store the year of release of the movie
String title : to store the title of the movie
float rating : to store the popularity rating of the movie
(minimum rating=0.0 and maximum rating=5.0)
Member method:
(i) Movie Magic(): default constructor to initialize numeric data
members to 0 and String data members to
(ii) void accept() : to input and store year, title and rating.
(iii) void display: to display the title of the movie and a message based
on the rating as per the table given below.
Message to be displayed
0.0 to 2.0
2.1 to 3.4
3.5 to 4.5
4.6 to 5.0
Super Hit
Write the main method to create an object of the class and call the above
member methods.
[ICSE 2014)
It seemed like such a great idea: You found the ideal niche market, complete with potential customers by the dozens and profit potential galore. Maybe you already found the ultimate location, or you've put together a stellar e-commerce site that would even put to shame.
There's just one problem. You haven't the foggiest idea where to find all the products you need in order to stock your shelves.
Don't be dismayed. This scenario happens time and again with new entrepreneurs, and it's understandable. Even if you come up with a brilliant idea of a product you want to sell, there's still the tiny detail of finding the actual product. You want to sell XYZ, but you're wondering, "Where exactly can I get a supply of XYZ to sell-and get it for a fair price?"
The good news is, finding what you need isn't quite the needle-in-a-haystack task it's envisioned to be. "My experience is, there are a lot of existing channels used to match up manufacturers and distributors of products. Trade shows and trade magazines are two of the best," says Roger Green, co-founder of Cullinane & Green Inc. , an executive coaching, consulting and publishing firm.
Trade shows alone offer multiple opportunities for you to not only spot upcoming trends, but also to network with potential suppliers and hopefully find just the right product source. The New York International Gift Fair , for instance, attracts thousands of exhibitors, organized by type of product. Attending a trade show also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate you mean business. "By being there, you establish yourself as someone being in business as opposed to being a consumer. The overwhelming majority [of attendees] are serious buyers," says Green, who, along with partner Joe Cullinane, has a diverse background in sales, marketing and senior management that's familiarized him with the ins and outs of product sourcing. "You also get to compare prices across a range, and you get a good sense of the business without having to put a lot of air miles into it."
Trade magazines, meanwhile, can be an inexpensive way to find companies with which you want to correspond. Scour them frequently for mentions of any companies that might offer the products you need, then try to find out whether they'll be exhibiting at any upcoming trade shows you can attend.
Trade organizations or industry associations related to the products you're interested in are yet another potential source of valuable contacts, including international companies. "[These organizations] have trade missions, and they have access to manufacturers from other countries," says Green. He notes that one of their main goals is to match up buyers and sellers.
So how do you go about finding the right industry association? Check out these resources for help in locating the proper channels:
Directory of Associations from Concept Marketing Group Inc.
Gale's Encyclopedia of Associations . And if you're not interested in purchasing your own set, most large public libraries carry a copy in their reference department.
National Trade and Professional Associations of the United States
"You should also look at companies that are regional," adds Cullinane, author of 21st Century Selling and adjunct professor of marketing at DeVry University's Keller Graduate School of Management. "[Look at] retail stores that are very successful in one [geographic] area and not selling anywhere else."
Start by contacting someone at the company or store and asking them whether they might want to sell their product in your hometown. "If something's been successful in one area, you'll find the company will want to expand but just don't have the resources to do it," says Cullinane.
Finding the suppliers you want is just the first step toward stocking your shelves with the proper inventory. Next, you've got some impressing to do. "You have to be perceived as a company and not a consumer," stresses Cullinane.
"You have to present yourself as someone who is seriously interested in building a business," adds Green, who advises establishing yourself as a business entity as opposed to a sole proprietorship. " 'Inc.' makes all the difference in the world in [the company extending you] credit in the future."
Keep in mind, also, that some firms, especially international ones, often prefer working with registered wholesalers of their products as opposed to retailers, says Green, so be prepared to inquire with a particular company about how you might become one. Companies that offer this option to buyers will likely ask you to fill out a few forms and provide some details on your banking history and so forth. You may need letters of credit and references in order to prove your ability to make good on your word. The advantage of becoming a wholesaler? Wholesale rates, which are often well below the retail prices
hope its helpful for you...