Physics, asked by juniortelipura090624, 8 months ago

progessive wave eqation y=asin(kx-wt) and y=asin (wt-kx) me kya anter h​


Answered by mk5972235



Answered by chamrajamila


Where do I use y=Asin (wt-kx) and y=Asin (kx-wt) in wave motion?

Power new possibilities.

To understand this movement of a wave, let's start with a simple thing.

Take a pen and paper, draw proper X and Y axis. Now plot: y = x.

This st. line does never change. It stays as it is. Now, take the equation: y = (x - 5t)

You will find that as time ‘t’ progresses, the st. line moves along the +ve X-axis with a uniform speed of 5 unit/sec. If you set the equation as y = (x + 5t) , you will see the line is moving along the -ve X-axis with the same speed.

Now apply this to a sinusoidal wave. You will find that:

If kx and ωt have opposite signs, the wave travels toward +ve X-axis. If kx and ωt have the same sign, the wave travels toward -ve X-axis.

Finally, coming specifically to the equations you mentioned, notice that

sin(kx − ωt) = sin(−(ωt − kx)) = − sin(ωt − kx) = sin(ωt − kx + π)

sin(kx − ωt) and sin(ωt − kx) represent the same wave except for a phase difference of π radians. In both cases, you will get a wave traveling towards +ve X-axis. Use the equations depending on the phase conditions you face.

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