Computer Science, asked by Aapko1548, 1 year ago

Program it structure with playing cards guessing


Answered by anshy047




This structure uses separate members to hold the number of the card and the suit. The number runs from 2 to 14, where 11, 12, 13, and 14 represent the jack, queen, king, and ace, respectively (this is the order used in poker). The suit runs from 0 to 3, where these four numbers represent clubs, diamondbacks, and spades.

Here’s the listing for CARDS:

II ca rds. cpp

II demonstrates structures using playing cards

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int clubs = 0;

const int diamonds = 1;

const int hearts= 2;

const int spades = 3;

const int jack = 11;

const int queen = 12;

const int king = 13;

const int ace = 14;


struct card .


int number; 1/2 to 1′, jaCk, quaen, king, aCa

int suit; Ilclubs, dia.onds, heart., apad••



int lIain()


card temp, cho••n, prize; Iidefine cards

int pos!tion :

card card1 • { 7, clubs }j Ilinitialize card1

cout « ‘Card 1 i. the 1 of c~s\n’j

card card2 • { Jack, hearts }j lIinitialize card

cout « ‘Card 2 is t~ jack of ~.rt.\n”;

card card3 • { aCI, spade. }j Ilinitializa carda

cout « ‘Card 3 il the aea of .pad••\n·:

prize =card3: Ilcopy this card, to r…-blr.1t

cout « ‘I’m swapping card 1 and card 3\n’:

temp.~ card3: card3 • card1j card,.• ta.p;

cout « ‘I’m swapping card a and card 3\n”j

tlmp a card3; card3 • carda; carda • tl~;

cout « ‘I’m swapping card 1 and card 2\n”:

temp.- card2: card2 • cardtj card1 • te.p:

cout « ‘Now, where (1, 2, or 3) 1$ the aCI of spadel? “j

cin » position;

switch (position)


case 1: chosen • card1; break:

case 2: chosen· card2:·brea~;

case 3: chosen ~ card3: break;


if(chosen.number •• prize.number &&

chosen.suit =- prize .•uit~

cout « ‘That’s rightl V.ouwinl\n~;


cout « “Sorry. You lose:\n”:

return I:


II compare cards

Heres some sample interaction with the program:

Card 1 is the 7 of clubs

car~ 2 is the jack of helrts

Card 3 is the Ice of spldes

I’m swapping card 1 and card 3

I’m swapping card 2 and card 3

I’m swapping card 1 and card 2

Now, where (1, 2, or 3) is the ace of spades? 3

&orry, You lose,

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