Mukherjee and Chatterjee are in partnership, sharing profits and losses as
three-fifths and two-fifths, respectively. They agreed to admit Ganguly as a
partner with a fifth share on condition that he brings in Rs. 15,000 as capital,
and that the old partners are credited with their respective shares of the
Goodwill estimated at Rs. 20,000. Mukherjee and Chatterjee, as between them-
selves, are to share profits and losses in the same ratio as before.
Make the necessary entries in the books and state the partners' future propor-
tion of profits, respectively.
(Ans : Mukherjee's Capital A/c Rs. 12,000; Chatterjee's Capital A/c Rs. 8,000)
1. Cash a/c... Dr. 10500
To C's Capital a/c 7500
To Premium for goodwill a/c 3000
(Being capital and premium for goodwill brought in by C)
2. Premium for goodwill a/c... Dr. 3000
To A's Capital a/c 2000
To B's Capital a/c 1000
(Being premium for goodwill distributed among the partners in the ratio of 2:1)
3. Building a/c... Dr. 2500
To Revaluation a/c 2500
(Being increase in asset transferred to revaluation account)
4. Revaluation a/c.... Dr. 1750
To Plant and Machinery a/c 875
To Stock a/c 500
To Provision for doubtful debts a/c 375
(Being decrease in assets and increase in liabilities transferred to revaluation account)
5. Revaluation a/c... Dr. 750
To A's Capital a/c 500
To B's Capital a/c 250
(Being profit on revaluation transferred to the partner's capital accounts)
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount
(in Rs.) Particulars Amount
(in Rs.)
To Stock a/c 500 By Building a/c 2500
To Plant and Machinery a/c 875
To Provision for doubtful debts a/c 375
To Profit transferred to
- A's Capital a/c
- B's Capital a/c
TOTAL 2500 TOTAL 2500
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
By Balance b/d 15000 10000 -
By Cash a/c - - 7500
To Balance c/d 17500 11250 7500 By Premium for goodwill a/c 2000 1000 -
By Revaluation a/c 500 250 -
(after admission of C)
Liabilities Amount
(in Rs.) Assets Amount
(in Rs.)
Building (25000+2500) 27500
- A
- B
- C
7500 Plant and Machinery (17500-875) 16625
Sundry Creditors 32950 Stock (10000-500) 9500
Debtors 4850
-- Provision for Doubtful debts (375) 4475
Cash (600+10500) 11100
TOTAL 69200 TOTAL 69200
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