Project on chemistry in our daily life Approx 5page
Chemistry is involve in the creation of all manmade objects and things. So everything you touch throughout your lifetime, is touch by chemistry.without chemistry we and our domesticated animals would have no food,medicinesand other essentials .The food we consume each day comes directly from chemical processes.Human being use chemical reactions to create medication for a broad spectrum of illness and/ or they utilize medicinal plants and animalsFor all living things to function and survived their bodies perform various chemical processes.Everyday while washing our clothes we use soaps and detergents. These soaps and detergents are made of chemical ingredients. Soaps are sodium or potassium fatty acids salts, produced from the hydrolysis of fats in a chemical reaction."Chemistry is indeed in our everyday"
Note: A good way to make project on Chemistry in daily life is my listing the examples by searching images for chemical compounds .
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