History, asked by ŔÀÑĎHÌŔßßß, 1 year ago

project on comparative study of the harappan and mesopotamian civilisaton


Answered by living
The two civilisation laid their foundation on river valleys. Mesopotamian flourished on banks of Tigris and Euphrates and the Harappan civilisation made its foundation on banks of Indus valley. Today Mesopotamian civilisation is known as Kuwait and Iraq and one of the most important city war Ur and presently Harappa civilisation Pakistan, part of Afghanistan and Northern India. Important cities are Mohenjo-Daro. But Mesopotamian and harppan economies developed along the similar bases, and having comparable religious and social structures. Yet, their politics, arts and women treatment have a sharp contrast to each other.
Answered by homosapiens45

The two civilisation laid their foundation on river valleys. Mesopotamian flourished on banks of Tigris and Euphrates and the Harappan civilisation made its foundation on banks of Indus valley.

Today Mesopotamian civilisation is known as Kuwait and Iraq and one of the most important city war Ur and presently Harappa civilisation Pakistan, part of Afghanistan and Northern India. Important cities are Mohenjo-Daro. But Mesopotamian and harppan economies developed along the similar bases, and having comparable religious and social structures. Yet, their politics, arts and women treatment have a sharp contrast to each other.

The both civilisation are politically different.


Both civilization had traded with each other because there were Indu valley civilization's seals found in mesopotamia at the time of excavation, Mesopotamian were exporter of food grains & textiles and harrapan were exporter of copper,gold and ivory made handicrafts products.


Mesopotamians were ruled by priest king and his rule were accepted by everyone,

he is known to be divine by the people,he lead the administration,army and settled disputes.he is to perform certain religious rituals as well. where as in or any kind of priesly ,there is no proof of kingship or priestly management.


because harrapan inscriptions are not yet fully deciphered we know very little about their religion but stil it indicates that both the civilization were following the polytheistic religion.where Mesopotamian had a built a temple for worshipping the gods but harrapan has worshiped only nature forces such as raining god Indra and Fire,fire altars have been found in harrapan culture.


Mesopotamian and harrapa both had different class of people,higher class includes priest and higher level administrators and middle class includes merchants or traders,incase of lower class mesopotamia had slaves but in case of harrapa lower class people works as servant or doing low level of works which no other class people wanted to do,mesopotamians were used to give freedom to women in their society,women used to participate in all fields but still they were not equal to men,incase of harrapa, patriarchal society were formed where men were the decision makers.


Harrapan were more advanced in town planning comapare to mesopotamians,they had developed better drainage and sewage systems which can be seen in present day as well.

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