Plastic is not Fantastic.
Students will prepare a power point presentation with maximum 6 slides.
Topics to be covered:
Fact file: Durable but hazardous plastic
Creative ideas to use less plastic and use alternate biodegradable plastics.
*My family's plastic footprint
(Observe and make a record of how much plastic your family throws away
in a week).
* Make poster or e-poster on Plastic free day
Slogan writing - (reduce and refuse the plastic items)
ok bro i will send you the power point
Fact file: Durable but hazardous plastic
Last year, 280 million tones of plastic was produced globally. Less than half of it was consigned to landfill or recycled. Of the remaining 150 million tones, some may still be in use; the rest litters continents and oceans (see ‘Plastic world’). Plastic debris can physically harm wildlife1,2. Moreover, many plastics may be chemically harmful in some contexts either because they are themselves potentially toxic3 or because they absorb other pollutants
Natural decomposition of plastic can last from 400-1000 years and few types of plastics are non-degradable as well.
Plastic materials clog waterways, oceans, seas, lakes etc. ...
Many animals eat plastic materials and die.
- Strong and ductile.
- Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
- Easily molded into different shape and size.
- Resist corrosion and are resistant to many chemicals.
1) Polyethylene Terephthalate .
2) High-Density Polyethylene .
3) Polyvinyl Chloride.
5) Polypropylene.
6) Polystyrene or Styrofoam .
Use less plastic and use alternate biodegradable plastics.
- Stop using plastic straws, even in restaurants. If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw
- Use a reusable produce bag. A single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. Purchase or make your own reusable produce bag and be sure to wash them often! .
- Buy boxes instead of bottles. Often, products like laundry detergent come in cardboard which is more easily recycled than plastic.
- Purchase food, like cereal, pasta, and rice from bulk bins and fill a reusable bag or container. You save money and unnecessary packaging.
- Reuse containers for storing leftovers or shopping in bulk.
My family's plastic footprints
Plastic free day
If you can't Reuse it ,
than Refuse it
Slogan writing
- Use paper bag reduce plastic bag
- Less plastic, clean earth healthy animal and human.
- Go Green, Plastic is Obscene!
- Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Recycle plastic bags
- Be safe to earth, reduce the use of plastic
- Handle with care, plastic is everywhere
- No plastic is fantastic.