Pros and cons ( advantages and disadvantages) of new education policy 2020 in India.

In Ne education policy system the student can may receive scholarships and get support from the state government
It is believed that ne education policy ill focus on child health.
If scholarships provided in this system are removed then! it ill drastically affect education of girls.
The second disadvantage is the five member committee formed by the "ministry for human resource and development ho ill frame the policy since the committee consisting of bureaucrats! and there is #us only one educationalist .
The committee should also have the representatives from all the states ! as the educational scenarios in India are different in each state.
One of the biggest changes is the ability to leave college at different points in time. This will not only allow students to decide how much to study, but also allow them to decide when to study. For example, a student may need to start working after 4 semesters, but have the right and ability to go back at a later time to complete their education and graduate with a 4 year degree. This fits in well with continuous and adult learning where people learn throughout their life. This will also allow students to always be learning what is current and in demand in the market place.
Broad based education
The NEP offers students the ability to have a broad based education through multidisciplinary institutions. Why is this important? What we have seen so far is that students in India tend to focus on their subject matter at an early age, whether it is engineering or medicine or law. They miss out on exposure to other aspects of life like humanities and music and arts. There is general consensus among educators that student learning with multidisciplinary learning leads to higher order thinking abilities and more in-depth learning.