CBSE BOARD XII, asked by duvendramarko8123, 1 year ago

Pros and cons of health expenditure


Answered by fistshelter

Healthcare is something which is very important, special today when each and every second we have life threads. It's a basic needs of each and every human being. It's not only important and duty of an individual to have health care expenditure properly but it's the duty of the nation to save their own country people and their lives and provide them with good health care facilities irrespective of castle, age,religion, genders etc. Countries all over the world are developing a single payrr for health care facilities to their country men which is way better than any private health insurance expenditure.

There are certain positive and negative effects of this health care expenditure which are as follows.


1. Equal access to health care

2. Improvement in health care facilities

3. Less of paperwork

4. Medical bankruptcy will be less

5. Economy benefit


1. Time taking

2. Leading to a socialist country

3. Rationing

4. No competition leads to no innovations

5. Increase of government depth

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