Biology, asked by suhanakarishma7005, 1 year ago

Protandry and protogyny are respectively observed in


Answered by rocky364


An association between zygomorphy and enantiostyly has been observed in monocots (Jesson and Barrett, 2003). Among the two forms of dichogamy, protogyny is common in wind-, bee- and fly-pollinated flowers, while protandry is predominant in flowers pollinated by bees and butterflies (e.g. Endress, 2010).

Answered by rahulsingh91


a state in hermaphroditic systems that is characterized by development of female organs or maturation of their products before the appearance of the corresponding male product thus inhibiting self-fertilization and that is encountered in apples, pears, figworts, and among several groups of invertebrate animals— compare PROTANDRY

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