Physics, asked by amalalmsyry613, 15 days ago

Proton A travels northward with a constant velocity. Due north of proton A is proton B, traveling to the east at a different constant velocity. In what direction is the magnetic force on B?


Answered by subrao8888


Given below are sets of give terms each. Rewrite the terms in correct logical sequence

beginning with underlined term:

1. Dentine, Enamel, Jaw bone, Gum, Neck of tooth.

2. Liver, pancreas, Salivary gland, Gall bladder; Mouth.

3. Epicotyl, Leaves. Hypocotyl, Roots, Cotyledons

4. Metacarpals, Phalanges, Carpals, Humerus, Radius-ulna

5. Clavicle, Cranium, Femur; Sacrum, patella.

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