Math, asked by dddfg876Wr, 2 months ago

prove that ABC is an equilateral triangle!!​


Answered by TheDeadDeal

Step-by-step explanation:

Three particles A, B and C are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side d at time t = 0. Each of the particles moves with constant speed v. A always has its velocity along AB, B along BC and C along CA.

Answered by HellSpark


---> ƒσr єxαмρℓє ωнєท α sτrαigнτ ωirє is мσvє∂ υρ αท∂ ∂σωท rαρi∂ℓy вєτωєєท τнє τωσ ρσℓєs σƒ нσrsєsнσє мαgทєτ τнєท τнє єℓєcτric cυrrєทτ is ρrσ∂υcє∂ (iท∂υcє∂) iท τнє ωirє .

>>>>>>> αgαiท iƒ α вαr мαgทєτ is мσvє∂ iท αท∂ συτ σƒ cσiℓ σƒ ωirє τнєท τнє єℓєcτric cυrrєทτ is ρrσ∂υcє∂ iท τнє cσiℓ

τнєsє ωєrє τнє єxαмρℓєs σƒ єℓєcτrσмαgทєτic iท∂υcτiσท ..

τнє cυrrєทτ ρrσ∂υcє∂ вy мσviทg α sτrαigнτ ωirє σr α мαgทєτ iท мαgทєτic ƒiєℓ∂ is cαℓℓє∂ iท∂υcє∂ cυrrєทτ ..


τнє ρнєทσмєทσท σƒ єℓєcτrσмαgทєτic iท∂υcτiσท ωαs ∂iscσvєrє∂ вy α вriτisн sciєทτisτ мicнαєℓ ƒαrα∂αy αท∂ αмєricαท sciєทτisτ jσsєρн нєทry iท 1831



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