Prove that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is released during Aerobic Respiration?
Aim: To Prove that Carbon Dioxide(CO2) is released during Aerobic Respiration
Apparatus: Two Plastic or Transparent Bottles, Germinating Seeds, Two Small Injection bottles or Beakers, Lime Water.
(i) Take a handful of Moong seeds and soak a Day before Experiment.
(ii) Keep the soaked seeds in a Cloth pouch and Place it in a corner of your Room.
(iii) Next Day collect the Germinating Seeds and soak the day before the experiment.
(iv) Take a small beaker with ¾ Lime water, insert a bottle carefully and close the Bottle tightly.
(v) Make a similar set with Dry seeds. Keep both Bottles undisturbed for 1-2 days.
(vi) During this Time Observe the color of Lime water in both Bottles.
Observation: After two Days, it can be observed that Lime Water in the Bottle containing Germinating Seeds turns into Milky While precipitation.
Result: It indicates that Germinating Seeds liberate Co2 which turned into Lime Water into Milky White Precipitate.
It is a process by which Green plants containing Chlorophyll produces food material from Carbon dioxide and Water and Sunlight has a Source of Energy and Oxygen is released into the Atmosphere.