Math, asked by bathri5, 8 months ago

Prove that suppose that the boundary of a simply
connected region contains a line segment y as a
one-sided free boundary are. Then the function
f(x) which maps onto the unit disk can be
extended to a function which is analytic and one to
one on Quy. The image of y is an are y'on the
unit circle.​


Answered by Anonymous


1.3 Fractional Linear Transformations

Finally, as a specific example of conformal maps consider the fractional linear

transformations. A fractional linear transformation or FLT is just a function

of the form

f(z) =

az + b

cz + d


where a, b, c, d ∈ C are constants such that ad−bc 6= 0. We can extend such a

function f to the extended complex plane or Riemann sphere C

∗ = C∪{∞} by

defining f(∞) = a/c if c 6= 0 and ∞ otherwise, and by defining f(−d/c) = ∞

if c 6= 0.

Such a function f has no critical points and hence is conformal everywhere

(except −d/c if c 6= 0). FLT’s have other interesting properties. In particular,

if we extend the definition of “circles” in the Riemann sphere to include

lines, which we consider to be “circles passing through ∞”, then FLT’s take

circles to circles. More significantly for this course, we will see later than

any bijective conformal map from the unit disk to itself must be an FLT;

combined with the Riemann Mapping Theorem, this allows us to classify

the set of conformal self-maps of any simply connected open subset of the

complex plane.

2 Week 2

Recall that if f : D → C is a function and γ : [a, b] → C is a path whose

image is contained in D, then the path integral of f along γ is defined to be:



f dz =

Z b




(t) dt.

If γ is a loop and f is analytic, it doesn’t take many examples before one

begins to notice a pattern: the path integral of an analytic function around

a loop is related to the poles of the function, if any, inside the loop. This

simplest case of this is Cauchy’s Theorem: if f is analytic on a domain

D and extends continuously to ∂D, then H


f dz = 0, if ∂D is oriented

appropriately (see below).

It’s important to note that Cauchy’s theorem applies even if the boundary

of D is not a single loop: if ∂D has more than one component, just add up

the path integrals along each component. However, each component m

Step-by-step explanation:

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