prove that
is an irrational number
What I will actually do (because it's easier) is to show that it can't be rational.
Suppose it were true that 4+25–√=p for some rational p .
Then, rearranging a little,
The difference of two rational numbers is rational, and so is the quotient of two rational numbers (as long as we're not dividing by 0 , and we aren't). The right-hand side is therefore rational, so the left-hand side must be rational.
All right, 5–√=rs
for integers r,s (and s isn't zero: in this case we can see that r isn't zero either).
Without loss of generality, we can assume that rs is in its lowest terms — that is, the g.c.d. (r,s)=1 .
Multiply by s and square:
The left-hand side divides by 5 , so the right-hand side must. However, if 5 doesn't divide r , then it doesn't divide r2 either (because 5 is a prime number). So in fact 5 divides r , and 52 divides r2 . Now we have
5s2=r2=52t2 for 5t=r .
We can take out the common factor 5 (dividing by 5 , because it's not 0 ).
Exactly the same argument as before, for r and s , now applies to s and t . This time, 5 must divide s . However, that means that 5 divides both r and s , and the greatest common divisor (r,s) must be a multiple of 5 , contradicting our earlier requirement that it be 1 .
Step-by-step explanation: