Prove that the product of any 'm'consecutive integers is divisible by 'm'
Step by step explanation :
1. First of all m consecutive integers are taken .
2. Then Applying Common algorithm on "c" and "m" , it is proved that "m" divides "c" for all values of c ..
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1. প্ৰথমে একেৰাহে পূৰ্ণসংখ্যা লোৱা হয়।
2. তাৰ পিছত "গ" আৰু "এম"ত উমৈহতীয়া এলগৰিথম প্ৰয়োগ কৰিলে, এইটো প্ৰমাণিত হয় যে "এম"-এ গ.-ৰ সকলো মূল্যৰ বাবে "গ" বিভাজন কৰে।
এইটো কেৱল ইমান সৰল...
আশা কৰোঁ আপুনি বুজি পাইছে...
যদি আপুনি কৰে, তেন্তে অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি মোক আটাইতকৈ মগজু হিচাপে চিহ্নিত কৰক।।

The product of any 'm' consecutive integers is divisible by 'm'.
Concept of Division Algorithm:
The conventional long division algorithm consists of a set of steps that are repeated in the following order: divide, multiply, subtract, and bring down.
Product of 'm' consecutive numbers are to be taken.
Let consecutive integers may be taken as
is any integer.
Applying Division Algorithm on and
we have,
Now, for
Similarly for,
And for, ,
Therefore, for any integral value of , one of
divisible by
Thus, is divisible by
To know more about Division Algorithm, here