Physics, asked by majumderparna255, 10 months ago

Prove with an activity that the force of friction always opposes the applied force . With materials required,procedure, observation,conclusion


Answered by Mon2002


Friction is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching one another. Friction is a very important part of everyday life—without it, you wouldn't be able to walk because your feet would just slip on the floor! Sometimes it is very important for surfaces to have high friction, such as the rubber tires of a car on the road. Other times we want surfaces to have low friction, such as when you go down a slide at the playground or sled on a snowy hill. The amount of friction changes depending on which materials come into contact with one another.

Another thing that can affect friction on an object is the object's weight. Imagine pushing two boxes—one heavier than the other—made out of the same material. You will have to push harder to move the heavier box. This is because gravity pulls down harder on the heavier one, which increases its friction with the floor. In this experiment you will keep the weight of the objects you use constant so that you can test different materials without worrying about gravity’s effects.

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