Science, asked by tanushkajat, 10 months ago

prove with the help of an activity that milk is a collied​


Answered by brainlyboy1248

Milk is a colloid and it is a mixture of watery and suspended liquid fat globules. Cow's milk is made up of nearly 87% water and 13% solid matter. The important constituents of cow's milk are proteins (3.5%), 3.5%, carbohydrates (4.8%) and minerals (0.7%), see table 18.1. About 80% of the milk protein are casein, lactobacillin and lactobacillin. There is also a high organic value of lactagoglobulin and lactile; fats are present as extremely beautiful and stable emulsion. Milk fats are usually found in saturated fatty acids ranging from buuric to lignoic acid (c4). Milk contains unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachnoic acid. Milk contains 30% of the total fatty acids (pufas). The major lactose carbohydrates of milk are lactose. Lactose is a reducing disacchaoid and is also known as milk sugar. Milk contains large amounts of glucose and galactose. The important minerals found in milk are calcium (120 mg), phosphorus (90 mg), magnesium (20 mg), sodium (50 mg), potassium (140 mg) etc. Milk is a good source of vitamin a. It also contains vitamin d, vitamin b1, b2, b6, b12, niacin and pantothenic acid. Cow's milk is pale yellow because of the appreciable amount of riboflavin (vita).

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