Proverbs in english with meanings and explanations
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" This proverb means that, we must always make use of the best put of the worst or difficult situation. Why lemons are used in this proverb is because, lemons are pretty sour, there are many ways to make use of it, one of them is by making some sweet Lemonade.
"All that glitters is not gold" This proverb states that, Just by great marvellous appearance or beauty anything cannot be said it is valuable, this applies not only to things but us Humans too. Just because someone is living a rich life, doesnt mean that they are living a happy life.
"The pen is mightier than the sword" This proveb means that words are more powerful and effective than weapons to accomplishing something. When making friends, the sword doesnt come in effect, while trying to communicate with others, the sword isnt effective, the pen is.