Science, asked by GovindKrishnan, 1 year ago

Provide CBSE previous year SA2 question paper (2015-16 preferred) of Science [Class 9]

♦ Plz don't give links or downloaded model papers. Do give only images if U have one.

Points : 25 ☺
Subject : Science
Class : 9 (CBSE)


Answered by Fuschia
                          SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II (2015 - 2016)
                                                CLASS - IX
Time allowed : 3 hours                                                     Maximum Marks : 90

General Instructions:
i) The question paper contains three sections A,B,C.You have to attempt all the sections separately.
ii) Questions 1-3 are of 1 mark
iii) Questions 4-5 are of 2 marks
iv) Questions 6-16 are of 3 marks
v) Questions 17-21 are of 5 marks
vi) Section B contains OTBA question, question 22 is of 2 marks, 23 is of 3 marks and 24 is of 5 marks.
vii) Questions 25-33 in Section C are multiple choice questions based on practical skills, each question is of 1 mark
viii) Question 34-36 are 2 marks.

                                                 SECTION - A

1) 'Relative atomic mass of sulfur is 32u'.What do you understand by this statement?

2) Electron attributes negative charge, protons attribute positive charge.An atom has both but why there is no charge?

3) How many chambers do most of the reptiles have in their heart? Name 1 reptile which has four chambered heart.

4) Do, the molecules of air undergo displacement due to propagation of sound waves through them?Justify your answer.

5) Why tip of pin is sharp but the head broad?

6) a) An element X has a valency of 2.Write the chemical formula
i) Bromide of the element
ii) Oxide of the element
b) Define formula unit mass

7) Bromine has 2 isotopes ⁷⁹₃₅Br( 49.7%) and ⁸¹₃₅Br (50.3%). Calculate the average atomic mass of bromine correct to 3 decimal places.

8) a) Derive the valency of an element having atomic number 5.
b) Name the subatomic particle whose number is not same in isotopic species of an element.
c) Name the element which has no neutron in its atom.

9) i) Write the meaning of the terms - gymno,angio and sperma
ii) State the main features of gymno sperms and angiosperms.
iii) Name the 2 subgroups of angiosperms which are divided on the basis of the number of cotyledons.

10) What are vectors? Name one common vector. Explain how the female organism of the vector spreads malaria.

11) Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases.

12) a) A solid of mass 150g and volume 250cm³ is placed in a jar containing water.Will it float or sink? (Density of water - 1g/cm³)
b) Why does a body lose weight when immersed in water?

13) Explain what is ultrasonography? Give 2 applications.

14) A man drops a 15kg rock from the top of 2m ladder.What will be its kinetic energy,when it reaches the ground? What will be its speed just before its hits the ground? (g = 10m/s²)

15) Define power.State commercial unit and SI unit of electrical energy.An electric heater of 400 W works for 2 hours.Find the electrical energy units consumed in a day?

16) David while watching "National Geographic" channel on television in which it was shown that Bats were easily flying during night.He did not understand the concept and for this he surfed on internet, and finally found the answer that bats use ultrasound to fly and search their prey at night.
a) What is ultrasound?State 1 application.
b) State the principle used by bats.
c) What value of David's nature is depicted here?

17)a) Write any two points difference between atom and ion.
b) The ratio by mass for calcium and oxygen in calcium oxide is given 5:2. Calculate the ratio by number of atoms for calcium oxide (At mass of Ca = 40u, O = 16u).Write the chemical formula of calcium oxide.

18) X, Y and Z are living organisms.
a) Identify the group to which they belong to by the following features :
 i) X - microscopic, unicellular, prokaryotic
 ii) Y - microscopic, unicellular,eukaryotic and shows locomotion with the helps of cilia/flagella
 iii) Z - multicellular, filamentous,eukaryotic,autotrophic and aquatic.

b) Which amongst the group is most advanced?
c) Name one organism each belonging to groups X,Y and Z

19) Justify the following statement :
a) Availability of proper and sufficient food would prevent from infectious diseases.
b) The general ways of preventing infection mostly relate to preventing exposure"List 3 points of prevention of exposure.

20) a) A body floats in kerosene of density 0.8 x 10³ kg/m³ up to certain mark.If the same body is placed in water of density 1.0 x 10³ kg/m³,will it sink more or less?
b) If a fresh egg is put into a beaker filled with water,it sinks.On dissolving a lot of salt in water,the egg begins to rise and then floats.Why?

21) a) Define work. Give SI unit of work.Write an expression for positive work done.
b) Calculate the work done in pushing a cart through a distance of 50m against the force of friction equal to 250N. Also state the type of work done.
c) Sarita lives on 3rd floor of the building at the height of 15 m. She carries her school bag weighting 5.2 kg from the ground floor to her house.Find the amount of work done by her and identify the force against which she has done work. (g = 10m/s²)

                                         SECTION - B (OTBA)

22), 23) ,24) is based on OTBA material provided to you.Kindly go through your material and practice questions specified in it.

Nikki57: great bella
Nikki57: :)
GovindKrishnan: Thanks a lot! ☺
no2: nice work bella:)
Anonymous: Great ans
BellaStark2: Thank you dear! :)
Answered by BellaStark2
Continuation of paper --- by BellaStark1


25. In the experiment to verify the laws of reflection of sound, the most suitable screen placed between the two tubes is ___________

a) Wood screen  b)Glass screen  c) Plastic screen  d)Iron screen

26) A student performing the experiment to compare the pressure exerted by different faces of cuboid on the loose sand.His cuboid falls accidentally and there is a mild crack.The effect on pressure will be :

a) increases  b)decreases  c)remains same d)data insufficient

27) Four students determined velocity of a pulse in a slinky. They found that the pulse took 7.5 seconds to complete three times the length of the slinky which is 15m. The velocity of the pulse calculated by them is:

a) 6.5 m/s  b) 6.0 m/s  c) 7.5 m/s  d) 3.5 m/s

28) A student brought a free floating,bright green,silky mass from the surface of a fresh water pond.He observed it under microscope.The plant maybe :

a) Sargassum  b) Spirogyra  c) Selaginella d) Sphagnum

29) While verifying the law of conservation of mass a student carried out the reaction between sodium chloride and silver nitrate in a conical flask.Which of the following will appear as precipitate?

a) Silver chloride  b) Sodium chloride  c) Sodium Nitrate  d) Barium chloride

30) On complete combustion of a hydrocarbon in sufficient oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are produced, then according to law of conservation of mass :

a) Mass of hydrocarbon = Mass of carbon dioxide + water
b) Mass of hydrocarbon+
mass of oxygen = mass of carbon dioxide + mass of water
c) Mass of hydrocarbon = mass of carbon dioxide + mass of oxygen + mass of water
d) Mass of oxygen + mass of carbon dioxide = mass of hydrocarbon + mass of water

31) Shruti studied the external features of a monocot plant and recorded her observations as given below :
A) Fibrous root system
B) Trimenus flowers
C) Secondary growth found
D) Parallel venation in leaves
The incorrect observation is --
a) A  b) B  c) C  d) D

32) A group of 4 students Sneha, Kanika, Bhavna, Sheela observed the flowers and leaves of mustard plant and reported it as follows.The correct observation is --
a) Trimerous flowers and parallel venation
b) Trimerous flowers and reticulate venation
c) Pentamerous flowers and parallel venation
d) Pentamerous flowers and reticulate venation

33) Which stage of life cycle of mosquito is represented in the figure given below?(REFER PIC 1 BELOW)

a) Pupa b) Nymph  c) Adult  d) Caterpillar

34) A student has compressed a body to one-third of its previous volume.What will be its density?

35) There are 3 beakers P,X and Y containing 10% saline water, tap water and 90% saline water respectively as shown in (REFER PIC 2 BELOW)
In which of the beakers the loss of weight of the immersed solid will be minimum and why?

36) State any 2 ways by which earthworm's body is adapted to live in soil.


Nikki57: great bella.
Nikki57: :)
GovindKrishnan: Thanks a lot! ☺
rishilaugh: wow
no2: great work Bella:)
Kimmus: Great work done!
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