Psychology has a long past and a short .Discuss.
Psychology has a long past but only a short history (Ebbinghaus, 1908). ... That was psychology's long past – a time without progress. But now that psychology had become scientific it had finally acquired a history, by which Ebbinghaus meant a story of change and cumulative development.
famous statement "psychology has a long past but a short history" by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus (1908), reflecting the situation of developmental process of psychology in both academic and practice area around the world and Turkey is not an exception. The purpose of this article is to review the historical development of psychology in Turkey. The history of psychology has been written extensively by many authors, (e.g., Acar & Sahin,1990; Basaran & Sahin, 1990; Kacitcibasi,1994: LeCompte, 1980; McKinney, 1960) which is why this article will focus on the current issue's in the field of Psychology in Turkey including the problem of the