Physics, asked by syedhussain0103, 4 months ago

pta nhi ahmad q,aap kha say ho​


Answered by Anonymous


The heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The right atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.


your intro please

Answered by yasar777


a) Closed organ pipe

If the air is blown lightly at the open end of the closed organ pipe, then the air column vibrates (as shown in figure) in the fundamental mode. There is a node at the closed end and an antinode at the open end. If l is the length of the tube,

l = λ1/4 or λ1 = 4l …... (1)

If n1 is the fundamental frequency of the vibrations and v is the velocity of sound in air, then

n1 = v/λ1 = v/4l …... (2)

If air is blown strongly at the open end, frequencies higher than fundamental frequency can be produced. They are called overtones. Fig.b & Fig.c shows the mode of vibration with two or more nodes and antinodes.

Overtones in a Closed Pipe

l = 3λ3/4 or λ3 = 4l/3 …... (3)

Thus, n3 = v/λ3 = 3v/4l = 3n1 …... (4)

This is the first overtone or third harmonic.

Similarly, n5 = 5v/4l = 5n1 …... (5)

This is called as second overtone or fifth harmonic.

Therefore the frequency of pth overtone is (2p + 1) n1 where n1 is the fundamental frequency. In a closed pipe only odd harmonics are produced. The frequencies of harmonics are in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 5.....

(b) Open organ pipe

When air is blown into the open organ pipe, the air column vibrates in the fundamental mode as shown in figure. Antinodes are formed at the ends and a node is formed in the middle of the pipe. If l is the length of the pipe, then

Stationary Waves in an Open Pipe

l = λ1/2 Or λ1 = 2l …... (1)

v = n1λ1 = n12l

The fundamental frequency,

n1 = v/2l …... (2)

In the next mode of vibration additional nodes and antinodes are formed as shown in Fig.b and Fig.c.

l = λ2 or v = n2λ2 = n2 (l)





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