Public private partnership advantage disadvantage in hindi
hey here is your answer
PPP advantages:
Ensure the necessary investments into public sector and more effective public resources management;
Ensure higher quality and timely provision of public services;
Mostly investment projects are implemented in due terms and do not impose unforeseen public sectors extra expenditures;
A private entity is granted the opportunity to obtain a long-term remuneration;
Private sector expertise and experience are utilized in PPP projects implementation;
Appropriate PPP project risks allocation enables to reduce the risk management expenditures;
In many cases assets designed under PPP agreements could be classified off the public sector balance sheet.
PPP disadvantages:
Infrastructure or services delivered could be more expensive;
PPP project public sector payments obligations postponed for the later periods can negatively reflect future public sector fiscal indicators;
PPP service procurement procedure is longer and more costly in comparison with traditional public procurement;
PPP project agreements are long-term, complicated and comparatively inflexible because of impossibility to envisage and evaluate all particular events that could influence the future activity.