pumice and basalt both are same type of rocks, but pumice float on water whare is basalt does not why?
Pumice is a volcanic rock that consists of highly vesicular rough textured volcanic glass, which may or may not contain crystals
Basalt is a common extrusive igneous rock formed by the rapid cooling of basaltic lava exposed at or very near the surface of Earth
Pumice has little gas pockets to help stay above water. Another reason why it can stay above water is that it’s so light. Pumice rocks are igneous rocks which were formed when lava cooled quickly above ground. Pumice has a lot more uses than soap. It is used in the cosmetics industry as an exfoliating pad, scouring stones and as an additive in creams and lotions. A rock is just not only a rock. Pumice can be used in many different types of ways. Rocks are all special in their own way.