English, asked by payalinamdar4746, 27 days ago

Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment,

which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic

charts on it, a notebook, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. His forehead was

resplendent (glorious) with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a

sharp abnormal gleam (shine) which was really an outcome of a continual searching

look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt

comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position placed

as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers (mustaches) which

streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To

crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour

scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or

dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a

path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A

surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road from morning till

night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way :

medicine sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, and above all, an

auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town.

Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a

fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi

Almond,” and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people

flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.

The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and

smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby. Half the enchantment of the place was

due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit

up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on

poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps, and one or two, like the astrologer,

managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and

moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he

had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no

more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen

to himself next minute. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent

customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone: that was more a

matter of study, practice, and shrewd guesswork. All the same, it was as much an

honest man’s labour as any other, and he deserved the wages he carried home at the

end of a day.
web chart
(Activities of the

astrologer) please give me a answer fast​


Answered by sritharina4617

Answer:A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. ... The term "business" also refers to the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit.


stay bless stay safe

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