I declined her offer to go out to dinner I had already eaten
. Use the question mark when posing a direct query in an interrogativesentence. This denotes that the speaker is seeking information.
Are there any letters for me this morning?
When did you finish writing that report?
2. Use the question mark to turn a statement into a question. This denotes that the speaker is assuming or hoping for a certain reply.
3. Use the question mark in statements ending with a word inflected as a query and with question tags.
4. Use the question mark after a direct question which is inserted into a statement. If the question comes at the end, separate it with a comma. Capitalization of the question after the comma is used for extreme emphasis but is rarely recommended.
Her boss wondered, Was she really doing her job the best she could?
[Question capitalized for extreme emphasis]
The question was, was she really doing the best she could?
[Question not capitalized – recommended]
5. If the inserted question comes in the beginning, put the question mark in the middle but do not capitalize the word following it.
Was she really doing her job the best she could? Her boss wondered.
Was she really doing the best she could? was the question.