Hindi, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

punishment given by allies power to axis after first world war


Answered by Justinlover2004
The attitute of the Allies towards Italy was rather benevolent also before the armistice and the cobelligerence of Badoglio's govern. Read for example this letter of Roosevelt to the King Victor Emanuel III in Dec. 1941 (shortly after the Italian DoW on the USA): http://www.bdp.it/costituzione/doc/d01_04.htm (the original English text starts after the first 2 paragraphs).

About war crimes, Gen. Bellomo was hanged because he ordered to execute 2 British airmen fled from a PoW camp.
Fascist leaders were all murdered by partizans in April 1945, while other leaders like Ciano and De Bono had already been executed after the Verona trial in January 1944 (they had voted against Mussolini on 25 July 1943).
As for Ethiopia and Yugoslavia, the protagonists of the alleged crimes (Ambrosio, Roatta) were among the most implicated in the anti-fascist coup of 25 July 1943; for this reason the Anglo-Saxons themselves protected them (Badoglio was even hid in the British embassy when Italian juidges started a trial for the crimes in Ethiopia). Gen. Mario Roatta fled in Spain when he was put on trial. Another possible war criminal in Ethiopia, Gen. Pietro Maletti, was killed while he was bravely fighting in Sidi El Barrani in Dec. 1940.
Colonel Vincenzo Cuiuli, commander of the concentration camp of Arbe (thus a possible war criminal), was killed by the inmates after the armistice.
The only one who has been put on trial was Marshal Graziani, and in fact he was imprisoned for some years, but then he was leiberated because of the amnesty (he then joined the neo-Fascist party MSI and died in 1954).
Also some Italian PoWs in USSR were put on trial for alleged crimes in that country (the charge was usually of having taken part to the "Fascist aggression" or having sabotaged Soviet production during their work as PoWs), but nobody was sentenced to death and they were liberated after a few years.
Needless to say that no trial was made for Ethipian (use of Dum-Dum bullets, murder and mutilation of PoWs and Italian civilians) and Allied crimes on Italians.
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