Social Sciences, asked by nandishwarnandu3012, 8 months ago

pupil compares present day administration with that of chola kingdom​


Answered by 19becreative19


Chola administration was run by the King alone.  The orders were given to the executive who were in close contact with the king.  Each department had number of officers who obtained direct orders from the king and executed it.

Verbal order were drafted by the Private Secretary and signed by the king and then only, the orders were sent.

Present Government has a President, Prime Minister and Chief Ministers.  Prime Minister cannot make his own decisions.  It has to be placed in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as bills and it has to be passed in majority.  President in India has no Power only the Prime Minister has certain privileges, which he can use discreetly for the benefit of the nation.

With regard to Village

Village head were selected according to certain rules.  People who had about one and half acre of land and in the age group of 35 to 70 can be nominated to take care of the office of the state and they are given the title of Muvendavelan by the king.

In the Present Government, the Gram Panchayat is bestowed with the rights to implement the developmental programme for the villages


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Chirpy Ace

Chola Administration

The Cholas had a highly efficient system of administration.

1. The King was the head of the administrative system. He was considered to be the representative of God. Kingship was hereditary.

2. There was a Central Government under the leadership of the King. Peruntaram were the higher officials and Siruntaram were the lower officials who took an active part in running the administration at the Central level.

3. There were nine provinces or mandalams. The Viceroys were the head of the provinces. They were close relatives of the kings.

4. Each mandalam was divided into a number of Kottams or Valanadus. They were further divided into Nadus. The Nadus were divided into villages or Urs.


Present Administrative System

1. The President, Prime Minister, the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are the main governing bodies at the Central level. The posts are occupied by elected candidates and are not hereditary.

2. There are 29 States and 7 Union Territories. The members of the State Assemblies are elected.

3. Some Indian States are subdivided into divisions. Each division is under a Divisional Commissioner. They are further divided into districts which are under a District Magistrate.

4. In some States the administrative units below the districts are called Sub-Divisions or Mahakumas. A group of villages form a Tehsil or Taluka. They are headed by a Tehsildar or Talukdar. The panchayat samiti is a governmental body which functions at this level. The Blocks form the next division. The villages are the lowest level of subdivisions in India. The Gram Panchayat functions at the village level.


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