Purification of water for drinking
there are serval ways for purification.
like ionizing, ro purification, carcoal purification, and most commonly known method by boiling
H2O is a solvent we called as water. When diluted with impurities need the purification process.
Depending on the impurity we can use distinguish purification methods, such as if the water is mixed with mud, then 1st clear the solid impurities with the help of filter, then the impurity which can't be removed by filtration then by boiling the water upto 100°C can kill the microbes in the water, & can be used for drinking.
Similarly there are other methods which can be used as well..
Removal of suspended impurities.
1. Sedimentation :- River water is pumped into settling tanks and allowed to settle without any disturbance. The suspended impurities being larger particles settle down on standing.
2. Addition of chemicals :- The above process makes water only semi clear. This is passed into mixing chamber where alum and lime are added to water and it is agitated with huge mechanical blades. Later on, this water is pumped into sedimentation tank. Alum hastens the process of precipitation of suspended impurities. During the precipitation process, some bacteria also get trapped and removed.
3. Filtration through sand and gravel :- The clear water is obtained is pump into sand and gravel filter. This removes all remaining traces of suspended impurities.
(ii) Removal of microorganisms
Addition of bleaching power relases chlorine which helps in killing the harmful bacteria and the pure water is obtained and stored in storage tanks.