English, asked by 9gsnda75cg, 3 months ago

put the correct preposition before the gerund where necessary.
1. "I hated the idea …. your going," he said simply.
2. She said: "Excuse me …. coming in … knocking."
3. The others insisted….. accompanying them.
4. I am tired ….. being old and wise.
5. We'll look forward ….seeing you.
6. Why were you so anxious to prevent anybody…. leaving the house?
7. I'm afraid I shan't succeed….being as sympathetic as you have the right to expect.
8. I was afraid …..saying the wrong thing.
9. Look here, it may sound funny, but I'm terrifically grateful to you…. saying it.
10. Both windows needed ….cleaning.


Answered by chakrahaasini


hnk my answer plz plz plz plz

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