English, asked by Schiki, 7 months ago

Put the following sentences into Passive Voice:
1. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
2. People play basketball a lot in our country.
3. An Englishman has visited me.
4. They sell gramophone records in this shop.
5. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
6. They will tell me the latest news.
7. Somebody is building a garage here.
8. They will do the work well.
9. He had written three books before 1867.
10. She is loooking after the baby well.
11. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
12. At six o'clock someone was telling a story.
13. Somebody has drunk all the milk!
14. She told me a secret. (2)
15. We have given her flowers. (2)
16. I forgot that John had given me instructions.
(2) means that you have two objects and should make two passive sentences.


Answered by Nereida


  1. This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather.
  2. Basketball is played a lot by people in our country.
  3. I have been visited by an English man.
  4. The gramophone records are sold in this shop.
  5. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil by the people.
  6. The latest news will be told to me by them.
  7. A garage is being built by somebody here.
  8. The work will be done well by them.
  9. Three books had been written by him before 1867.
  10. The baby is being looked after well by her.
  11. The office has been cleaned by the cleaner.
  12. A story was being told buy someone at 6 o'clock.
  13. All the milk has been drunk by somebody.
  14. A secret was told to me by her.
  15. Flowers have been given to her by us.
  16. I forgot that instructions had been given to me by John.
Answered by MissKalliste

★ The question is to change the sentences into passive sentences.

★ What is the rule of changing any active sentence to passive one?

→ The main one is that the object becomes the subject and the subject becomes the object.

→ To use the preposition by.

→ To use the third form of verb.

AnsWers :

  1. This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather.
  2. Basketball is played a lot by people in our country.
  3. I have been visited by an Englishman.
  4. Gramophone records are sold in this shop.
  5. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil by the people.
  6. The latest news will be told to me by them.
  7. A garage is being built by somebody here.
  8. The work will be done well by them.
  9. Three books had been written by him before 1867.
  10. The baby is being looked after well by her.
  11. The office has been cleaned by the cleaner.
  12. A story was being told by someone at six o'clock.
  13. All the milk has been drunk by somebody.
  14. A secret was told to me by her.
  15. Flowers have been given to her by us.
  16. I forgot the instructions had given to me by John.


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