English, asked by findmydevice701, 6 months ago

Put the verbs given in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. The phone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn't answer it?
2. Have you seen my bag anywhere? I (look) for it for ages.
3. He (study) Sanskrit for two years and doesn't even know the alphabet yet.
4. How long you (wait) for me? I (wait) for about half an hour.
5. It (rain) for two days now. There'll be a flood soon.
6. We (argue) about this for two hours now. Don't you think we should stop?
7. How long you (wear) glasses?
8. He (speak) for an hour now. I expect he'll soon be finished.
9. That aeroplane (fly) round the house for the last one hour. Do you think it wants to drop a bomb
on us?
10. The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.
11. We (live) here since 1942.
12. I'm on a diet. I (eat) nothing but bananas for the last month.
13. The children (look) forward to this holiday for months.
14. That pipe (leak) for ages. We must get it mended.
15. We (walk) for ten minutes.​


Answered by atinderbrar25


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