12. Write a program to read two lists 'num' and 'denum' which contain the numerators and denominators of
same fractions at the respective indexes. Then display the smallest fraction along with its index.
#Program :
def calculateFraction(num, den) :
# If the numerator is zero, answer is 0
if (num == 0):
return "0"
# If any one (out of numerator and denominator)
# is -ve, sign of resultant answer -ve.
sign = -1 if (num < 0) ^ (den < 0) else 1
num = abs(num)
den = abs(den)
# Calculate the absolute part
# (before decimal point).
initial = num // den
# Output string to store the answer
res = ""
# Append sign
if (sign == -1):
res += "-"
# Append the initial part
res += str(initial)
# If completely divisible, return answer.
if (num % den == 0):
return res
res += "."
# Initialize Remainder
rem = num % den
mp = {}
# Position at which fraction starts
# repeating if it exists
index = 0
repeating = False
while (rem > 0 and not repeating) :
# If this remainder is already seen,
# then there exists a repeating fraction.
if ( rem in mp):
# Index to insert parentheses
index = mp[rem]
repeating = True
mp[rem] = len(res)
rem = rem * 10
# Calculate quotient, append it to result
# and calculate next remainder
temp = rem // den
res += str(temp )
rem = rem % den
# If repeating fraction exists,
# insert parentheses.
if (repeating) :
res += ")"
x = res[:index]
x += "("
x += res[index:]
res = x
# Return result.
return res
# Driver code
if __name__ =="__main__":
num = 50
den = 22
print(calculateFraction(num, den))
num = -1
den = 2
print(calculateFraction(num, den))
# This code is given by Pratheek at Brainly.in