python class 12 computer science
note - without using inbuilt functions
WAP to accept and do the following on a dictionary of country:capital
a) Create
b) Add
c) Search on capital
d) Search on country
while True:
what = input("S for search and A to add(enter to exit): ")
country_and_cap = {}
if what == "A":
country = input("Enter Country: ")
capital = input("Enter Capital: ")
country_and_cap[country] = capital
elif what == "S":
what = input("S for search and A to add(enter to exit): ")
capital = ""
country = ""
if what == "CO":
country = input("Enter Country: ")
for keys, values in country_and_cap:
if country == key:
capital = input("Enter Capital: ")
for keys, values in country_and_cap:
if capital == values:
I hope this might help