Python print the total marks , percentage & division of five input marks . the division will be calculated as per : if percentage >= 60 then 1st division if percentage >=50 and < 60 then 2nd division otherwise third division
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#Program by Ankitraj707
eng=float(input("Enter marks in English:"))
maths=float(input("Enter marks in Maths:"))
phy =float(input("Enter marks in Physics:"))
chem=float(input("Enter marks in Chemistry:"))
comp=float(input("Enter marks in Computer:"))
' ' 'Here we take each subject marks as 100,it can be changed as per given question' ' '
max_marks= 100*5
total= eng+maths+phy+chem+comp
per=float( (total/max_marks)*100)
print("You got", per,"Percentage")
If per>=float(60):
print("First division")
If per>=float(50) and per<60:
print("Second division")
print("Third division")
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